Archive for October, 2009

Today I passed exam 70-236 which is the first exam I’ve taken since the shakeup. Having done my fair share of MCPs I was hoping that the MCTS series would be a little more practical but sadly this was not the case. In fact this exam was a test that seemed to focus on how well you know your Exchange PowerShell cmdlets, yes all 394 of them! Still a pass is a pass and with a score of 873/1000 I know I passed with room to spare.

This blog will be my online scrapbook of problems, solutions and tips that I discover in my work as an IT Professional. People have asked me to share some of the things that I’ve learned many times and this is my attempt at making that information available.

About me:

I am an experienced IT professional that has been in the industry for over ten+ years working primarily on Microsoft technologies. Starting at the beginning of the service delivery model in 1st line support I have advanced trough multiple roles to now being responsible for planning, designing and implementation of large complex infrastructures. Over the last few years I have started to specialise in my strongest areas of technical ability; Active Directory, Exchange and PowerShell scripting/automation. Additionally, I spend some of my spare time helping others in the Microsoft newsgroups and discussion forums.

I’ll try and post as frequently as I can and with information that will help others in the IT community

Kind Regards,

John Milner (jfrmilner)